
It only takes 2 seconds…

The use of seat belts in Iceland has plummeted in recent years and the Icelandic Transport Authority wants to encourage all of us to fasten our seat belts. To put things in context, we wanted to show how bizarre a decision it really is to skip such a simple and important task.

We therefore portrayed four nationally known Icelanders skipping something that could have been done in two seconds and then watched them deal with the consequences. The first run of the campaign was carried out through the Instagram accounts of these four people–Anna Lára Orlowska, Anníe Mist, Flóni and Gunnar Nelson. Everything was filmed in social media style and made to look as if it were happening in IRL (in real life) and without a script. At the end of the social media videos and in subsequent runs it was revealed to be scripted. Bernhard Kristinn’s gorgeous photos were the cherry on top.

Fasten your seat belts. It saves lives. See incredible facts about belt use at 

Auglýsingaherferð fyrir Samgöngustofu - Það tekur bara 2 sekúndur...
Auglýsingaherferð fyrir Samgöngustofu - Það tekur bara 2 sekúndur...
Auglýsingaherferð fyrir Samgöngustofu - Það tekur bara 2 sekúndur...