Every year, media publishers submit data to the Media Commission on the division of advertising between media. We recently submitted data for Pipar\MEDIA for the year 2020. In light of it being the year of Covid, the data reveals considerable shifts from previous years. Print media usually tops our distribution list, followed by TV commercials with radio in third. In 2019, for the first time radio went ahead of television and in 2020 radio reached the top spot in the media that Pipar\TBWA distributes through Pipar\MEDIA and Pipar\ENGINE. Print media and television accounted for about 22% of the pie, while radio accounted for about 24% (accounting for 21% the year before).
Last year was a great news year and we are a news-thirsty nation. Most Icelanders spent their summer holidays entirely in Iceland and followed the news closely. It’s the nature of radio advertising to be quick and to the point: To remind people to use the drive through, to remind people to do business electronically and so on. And due to the circumstances surrounding changes in restrictions on gatherings and business and public building closures, messages often needed to be changed quickly. The flexibility of radio broadcasts proved to be very effective. Other significant changes between years can also be seen in domestic online media, making the most gain by going from 16% to just over 19%.
The time of listeners/viewers is increasingly distributed between media and streaming services that take up a lot of people’s time. We spend less time in total viewing and total listening per minute, but we still manage to reach people where they are viewing and listening. It also tells us how important good quality content is in the media.